Jersey Advantage is a not-for-profit organisation founded & funded by farmers

Support Jersey Advantage

Your support will enable us to fund activities including research, breed promotion, branding opportunities for Jersey milk and beef, and work with key organisations to ensure that the Jersey breed is well represented across the industry.

There are two ways that you can support Jersey Advantage:
1) Make a cash donation
2) Pledge a cull cow

Make a cash donation

Alternatively, if you are making a donation, our bank account details are:
Jersey Advantage, ASB Bank, Account number: 12-3143-0407274-00 (please include your name as a reference)

ASD form.png

Pledge a cull cow

To pledge a cull cow(s) please let your livestock rep know when you book the cull(s), mark the animal(s) with a ‘JA’ and complete a separate ASD form with Jersey Advantage listed as the owner (see example).

Jersey Advantage has accounts setup with all the main meat processors including Greenlea, Affco, Silver Fern Farms, Universal Beef Packers, ANZCO, Progressive and Alliance (client number 7187100).

Charitable status

Jersey Advantage is a registered charity, donations are tax deductible. Speak with your tax adviser as conditions may apply.


For more information email Jersey Advantage or use the contact button below.